
The Gitanyow Fisheries Authority (GFA) runs a number of different programs, ranging from stock enumeration wiers to beaver dam breaching, and is also involved in a variety of projects relating to environmental assessment, wildlife management, etc.

Kitwanga River Salmon Enumeration Facility

Kitwanga Smolt Enumeration Facility

Brown Bear Creek Sockeye and Coho Enumeration and Monitoring

Kitwanga River Salmon Enumeration UPDATES

Kitwanga River Salmon Enumeration Facility UPDATES

Kitwanga Smolt Fence Enumeration UPDATES

Kitwanga Smolt Fence Enumeration summary


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Kitwanga Smolt Enumeration Facility

Most bull trout are sampled for length and weight before being released downstream.

Kitwanga River Salmon Enumeration Facility

Looking across the fence panels as a GFA technician cleans debris - typically leaves, sticks and spawned out salmon - to prevent damming of the fence panels.

Snapshots of GFA Projects

Preparing ripe sockeye for taking eggs and milt during for the 2006 hatchery program - Gitanyow Lake.